NieR: Automata Producer Teases "Surprise" and "Big Announcement"

Yosuke Saito, celebrated producer of the critically acclaimed NieR: Automata, has hinted at stirring up excitement with plans that may come to light in early 2024. During a collective interview with Famitsu, Saito-san articulated that his guiding theme for the forthcoming year is to incite amazement among fans and followers.
With an array of projects underway, Saito-san humorously acknowledged the pressing need to refine his ability to decline requests; otherwise, he jests about the toll it could take on his well-being. Amidst the lighthearted banter, he entreated supporters to remain patient for a significant revelation that is on the horizon.
The NieR: Automata anime, which has garnered attention, is also poised to return for its second part, keeping the anticipation buzzing within the community.
While the details of Saito-san's surprises remain under wraps, his past collaborations with the enigmatic creator Yoko Taro, including the original NieR, the remaster of NieR Replicant, and various other projects such as the NieR: Automata raid in Final Fantasy XIV and the Voice of Cards series, suggest potential directions. Notably, Saito-san has previously expressed confidence that another NieR title could materialize, assuring that he would secure the necessary funding from Square Enix when the time arises.
Given the impressive commercial success of NieR: Automata, with sales surpassing 7.5 million copies, it's reasonable to assume that acquiring funds for a new installment would be met with little resistance from Square Enix executives.
While the upcoming announcement could diverge from the NieR series, considering the unexpected nature of some past works like the Voice of Cards, fans remain hopeful. The desire for another entry in the NieR series is palpable, especially as protagonist 2B continues to grace various gaming franchises, including the recent Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising.
With aspirations high, enthusiasts are eagerly doing their part to channel positive energy towards the realization of another NieR narrative, holding onto the belief that if 2B can make numerous appearances across the gaming realm, the possibility of her starring in a new standalone game should not be discounted.