Dauntless, Fae Farms Studio Announces Cancellation of all Unannounced Projects, Layoffs Reported

David Gomez


Dauntless, Fae Farms Studio Announces Cancellation of all Unannounced Projects, Layoffs Reported

Phoenix Labs has significantly shifted its operational strategy by focusing solely on developing its live service titles, Dauntless and Fae Farm. In a recent announcement on LinkedIn, the studio declared its new direction, which includes discontinuing all other projects currently in the pipeline. This decision is part of a broader organizational restructuring to hone its resources and efforts more effectively toward these specific games.

However, the cessation of work on other projects has immediate repercussions for many of the studio's staff. Phoenix Labs has started issuing notices to employees whose positions are affected, emphasizing the personnel impacts of these changes. While the studio did not disclose specifics on the number of layoffs, industry sources like Nicole Carpenter from Polygon suggest that the restructuring could see upwards of 100 developers being let go.

The studio has been developing a multiplayer shooter since at least 2022, alongside other projects that have not yet been made public.

Phoenix Labs' most well-known project, Dauntless, is a game inspired by the Monster Hunter genre. It was launched with the ambition to provide a similar experience across multiple platforms, arriving before Capcom's release of Monster Hunter World. Dauntless has achieved notable success, receiving several updates since its launch, including new monsters and enhanced equipment for player engagement. By 2019, Dauntless had already welcomed over 5 million players.
